Local Food and Seasonal Ingredients

Best Arctic Char Burgers

A recent trip to the New Fulton Fish Market yielded a great purchase of an Arctic Char.  Not only was the fish incredibly fresh but it cost $5.90/lb.  The fish was just over 3 pounds and came to a total of $18.  This same fish in a market in the city would cost around $15/lb and in a restaurant could easily be over $20 per plate.  (Editors note: I did take a cab to and from the market at 3am and am not factoring in the cost of both those trips.)

The fish was already gutted which was helpful, especially when cooking in a nyc apartment.  I wanted to use the whole fish and was able to get 6 fillets and then used the head to make a stock which I froze for a later date.  I also scrapped any remaining meat off the bones with a spoon and used that in my fish burgers.

This dish would be a great way to introduce someone to fish burgers or a great date night food if you are looking to impress that special someone.

Serving Size:
4 Arctic Char patties

Preparation time: 3-4 hours
Cooking time: 4-6 minutes

1-1.5 lbs fresh Arctic Char chopped
1-2 tbsp finely chopped fresh chives
1-2 tsp small capers

In a bowl, mix chopped fish, chives and capers. Gently fold ingredients together to evenly distribute and form into patties with your hands. Place on a plate and carefully cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator for 3-4 hours to allow flavors to come together.

When ready to cook, remove from refrigerator and allow to sit for 10 minutes to bring to room temperature.  Add salt to taste to both sides of the patties.  Using a grill or cast iron skillet, heat to medium and then add fish. Cook for 3-4 minutes per side or until desired doneness (flesh should be opaque.)

Remove from heat and serve either on a whole wheat bun with lettuce and tomatoes or just on a plate with a side lettuce or tabule salad.

Arctic Char Burger with Chives and Capers

Arctic Char Burger with Chives and Capers

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