Tag: Iceland

Chocolate Bars of Iceland

Take a moment to imagine you are in New Orleans, Philadelphia, Florence Italy or Madrid Spain.  What do you think about?  Oysters Rockefeller?  Cheese Steaks?  Gelato?  Serrano Ham?

Food is directly associated with our travel experiences.  It helps us experience local cultures and in our own lives it’s how we pass down family traditions.

In and Out of Iceland: 48 Hours in Reykjavik

Winter in Iceland, experiencing the darkness and chasing the Northern Lights felt like an adventure worth having.  So, why not pack that adventure into a 48 hour excursion to the middle of the Atlantic in November?  No reason not to, really.  So a 4 hour and 45 minute red-eye flight later (basically the time it takes to fly across the US) I touched down in Keflavik International Airport.

And as I stepped out of the airport into 50 mph gusts of wind and driving rain, in that moment, I was happy.