Tag: bakery

Brioche Doughnuts at Mah Ze Dahr in the West Village

Sunday morning and I am lazily scrolling through facebook from my bed.  I come across a soaring review of Mah Ze Dahr in Gothamist and immediately jump up.  15 minutes later, I am dressed and on the A train heading downtown.

New to the village, Mah Ze Dahr should very quickly be placed on your bakery radar.  With a variety of both sweet and savory pastries, I opted to try one from each side of the spectrum.

Raspberry Bostock At Five Points Artisan Bakeshop

A bostock is the pastry you didn’t know you needed in your life. Another genius approach to day-old bread and an alternative to an eggy French toast, a traditional bostock is a slice of brioche topped with frangipane and almonds. It’s good for breakfast. Or dessert. Or instead of pretty much any of your more sensible meals.

Dog-friendly Spots in Atlanta

The pleasure of having your dog for company is special. We humans appreciate, and enjoy the times when we can call on our pet for a warm amity. Not many of us can identify with having this sort of companionship, but a dog for a pet is the best playmate and stress reliever anyone could ever have. Many of us can identify with the confined feeling of staying cooped up in the same space for too long. Well, your dog can feel along these lines too. With the stress of keeping squirrels off the yard, and finding an immaculate pee spot, sometimes your dog wants a new outdoor scene with fresh grass, and some new butts to sniff. For those who enjoy long walks with their furry friend, casual shopping sprees, and frisbee throwing matches in a dog-friendly environment, here are some popular sites to take your dog for nonstop “man and best friend” fun.

Where is Silver Moon Bakery and Cafe Located?

Silver Moon Bakery and Cafe is located on the Upper West Side neighborhood on the northeast corner of 105th street and Broadway Avenue.  It can also be conveniently reached by the 1 train off the 103rd street stop.

There are many cafes and bakeries throughout the five boroughs and Silver Moon Bakery is a standout amongst them all. 

Levain Bakery – A Cookie Above the Rest

Imagine you find yourself wandering around Manhattan’s Upper West Side.  You are about to pass 74th street on Amsterdam Avenue and the  smell of freshly baked cookies permeates the air.  You are instantly taken back to childhood, eagerly awaiting for your Mom to pull a baking sheet of chocolate chip cookies from the oven.  A smile spreads across your face.