
Plant Life In New York City Parks

By Seth Fera-Schanes

The 2013-2014 winter doesn’t seem to want to end.  It “technically” did end when we “officially” ushered in “Spring” on March 20th and we actually did have some nice days around that time but nothing has quite stuck.

Most New Yorker’s are grinding their teeth right now both out of anticipation for consecutive 60 degree days and as a result of one 60 degree day followed by one that is in the low 30’s.  The inconsistency has led to a mixed bag of fashion around the city.  Some people keep full winter regalia with scarf, hat and gloves.  Others maintain the coat but rebelliously leave it unbuttoned.  The final group had put away their jackets on the 20th but when it got cold again refused to take them back out of storage as a kind of middle finger to this winter.

The morning commute is also entertaining.  Heads are bowed and there is little to no talking.  We aren’t even our typical annoyed selves anymore, ready to yell at a passenger if they dare to take 1/2 a second too long to exit the train. We are a dejected bunch.

With that being said, here are a few pics from last Spring to help you get through the next few days.

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree

Flower in Central Park

Spring Flower in Central Park

Ornamental Maple

West End Avenue

Facing North in Riverside Park

Path in Riverside Park

Field of Daisy's in Central Park

Field of Daisy’s in Central Park

Jogging Through Riverside Park

Jogger in Riverside Park

Plant Grows in Concrete

Plants Growing in Concrete

Spectacular Hudson River Sunset

Hudson River Sunsets



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