Category: New York City

Monkey Cup Coffee In Harlem

The Monkey Cup has arrived in Harlem.  The coffee shop, with its forest theme including leaf ceiling and stylish hanging lights is a welcome new addition to Central Harlem. 

Are Lime Bikes Available in New York City?

Lime Bikes, the dockless bike-sharing company has not yet made its way into New York City.  Lime is among a number of start-ups all vying to get into the city.  Current options in the city remain docked Citi bikes and bike rentals around NYC.  However, I am excited for the future prospect of the on-demand model as well as a mixture of pedal and electric scooters and bikes.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I am amazed at the growth of my garden.  In just a few weeks, the starter plants have really filled out and are racing toward the sky.  I even had the opportunity to take a few lettuce leaves, chives and cilantro and add to sandwiches and guacamole.  Pretty exciting start to the season.

There are about 20 other planter boxes in the garden so I have been taking the opportunity to see how everyone else is doing.  The range of vegetables is fun to see.  Everything from collards to tomatillos, sunflowers to strawberries.  The garden community also decided to put in a raspberry bush, peach tree and grape vines for everyone to share.

Community Gardening: A NYC Experience

Space comes at a premium in New York; we all know this to be true.  Large outdoor park spaces such as Van Cortlandt, Central, Prospect, Latourette and Kissena are weekend havens for the millions of residents who live across the five boroughs.

In addition to public parks, there are community gardens interspersed in neighborhoods around the city.  These gardens will generally have time scheduled for the general public but they also contain planter boxes for individual use.

How Do I Avoid Paying Broker Fees When Moving Into A New York City Apartment?

You are excited to move to New York but know there is a laundry list of work to get you started.  This might include finding a job if you went the 2 suitcase and 1 way plane ticket route.  It will include locating your nearest grocery stores and quickly learning how many bags you can carry home (remember most of us don’t have cars.  I can carry up to 8 bags of groceries at this point….)  Where is your local bar, sushi and thai restaurants.  Brunch place for new residents is also a must.  Finding the right subway car that lets you off at the exact exit that is closest to your apartment is for a slightly more seasoned newcomer but trust me that within 4 months you will know exactly where to stand.

I feel like I might be overlooking one small detail.  Possibly something about Maslow and shelter.  That’s right, you need to find a place to live and very few cities can be more nerve wracking than New York.  It’s everything you have already heard and read about (expensive, inevitability of dealing with some cockroaches or mice, loud, multiple entry doors, lots of stairs.)